The Journal of Emerging Investigators is an open-access journal that publishes original research in the biological and physical sciences that is written by middle and high school students. JEI provides students, under the guidance of a teacher or advisor, the opportunity to submit and gain feedback on original research and to publish their findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Because grade-school students often lack access to formal research institutions, we expect that the work submitted by students may come from classroom-based projects, science fair projects, or other forms of mentor-supervised research.
JEI is a non-profit organization run and operated by graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professors across the United States. JEI provides the opportunity for graduate students to contribute to the editorial and review process, and management of an academic journal.
- Remote
- Year-Round
- Free
Eligibility Requirements
- Students must be middle or high school students at the time of submission
- In order for your submission to pass pre-review and enter the scientific review process, it must meet the following requirements:
- The person submitting the manuscript must be an adult mentor as outlined in our author eligibility requirements.
- The manuscript must be submitted using our manuscript template, following the instructions in the document correctly.
- If the study involves human subjects or vertebrate animals, documentation of regulatory approval must be included in the submission.
- The manuscript must appropriately cite any outside sources of information, data, or software according to our reference formatting guidelines.
- Rolling
Application or Entry Requirements
- Submit manuscript that has been formatted according to the guidelines outlined in JEI’s manuscript template.
- All sources must be cited according to JEI’s guidelines, found here.